Graph Paper Masters

A job ad asked for pdf-building experience, so I found and downloaded CLibPDF from Needing some kind of pdf to write, I decided to build ones that could be useful to teachers. Currently, there are 3 kinds.

Each one has 46 different sizes of grids in it. WARNING: I put the page number and the number of grid units at the top, where it wouldn't print. But Acrobat seems to want to scale the page smaller to get these onto the printable page! So when printing, find the option to tell Acrobat NOT TO shrink oversized pages to paper size. (On my Mac with OSX.2, on the print dialog, if I click on the "Copies & Pages" button, I can choose the Acrobat Reader panel to clear this option...)

These are free for your use. Note that they don't seem to print with Mac OSX's "Preview" program, which doesn't seem to handle dash patterns, so try printing them with Acrobat. They are also completely without warranty!

Plain Graph Paper. (Next will be engineering-type paper, with every 5th grid line darker.)

Dot Paper. These are just dots in a rectangular grid.

Isometric Dot Paper. These are dots in an equilateral-triangle pattern, used for drawing perspective drawings.