Randy's Math Page

Intro: Poor standards, poor results

Essay: California Mathematics is Broken

Letter: Innate Interest + rewarding exporation = math success

Letter: California Needs a Good Math Curriculum

Games presented by Ruth Parker in Palo Alto on January 23, 2003.

Why students have trouble with algebra.

Links to:
    Natl Council of Teachers of Math
    Math Ed Collaborative and its public awareness page.

Here are some pdfs of varying sizes of graph paper, dot paper and isometric dot paper.

Want an arbitrary precision calculator? Calc is available, and packed with features. Mainly it runs on real computers (incl MacOSX) but can also run on Windows with the free Cygwin utilities (see the download page) The catch is that you have to compile calc yourself (or get a friend to.) (I own a Mac, not a PC. If you get cygwin and calc working on a PC, please email me, so I can post better instructions plus a PC binary for calc.)

Experimentations in developing some animations to teach math lessons.

To reach me, send me email using form at the bottom of my home page